Friday, June 5, 2009

Stand in the Rain

Isn't life about the climb? As we were listening to the radio one day, Mayli looks at me with big passionate eyes and says "Mommy, I love this song, I feel it in my heart, my brain and my fingertips". We have known that music moves this little girl from the day we met her in China. The song was CLIMB by Miley Cyrus. It starts out "these dreams I'm dreamin, I can almost feel it, but a voice inside my head says, you'll never reach it". She belts that part of the song out. She is trying so hard to learn all the english words so she can sing this song at Gma and Gpas church. Her drive is tenacious and her passion is inspiring. I believe this little girl knows in her heart that these words move her because she has already had to climb, she has already had to stand in the rain of life. Watching her even through my frustration teaches me valuable lessons about life.

Here are some pics on a rainy day when the girls and I decided to play in the rain on our driveway. I was reminded about this song below (you'll have to stop the music I already have on here by clicking the stop botton on the playlist at the bottom of this page so you can hear the video) and about how we do have to stand in the rain of life. We must stand our ground when that voice says we are going to fall. Often times it is a choice we must make. Everything within us says to lie down, but we must not let our emotions make that choice for us. We just have to stand, have faith... and simply trust.


Donna said...

I've heard "Climb" before and now I'm going to have to search for it on itunes. I remember that it was awesome!

My girls love music too.

Qinzhou Mom
Shenzhen Mom
Our blog: Double Happiness!

Tami said...

Isn't it amazing the things our children inspire us to learn/become. I say this often, I cannot believe what a better person I am because of my three monkeys.

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