Monday, May 11, 2009

Lovin Being a Mom!

It is official.........Brianna and Landon are both taller then their mom!!!!!!!!!!! Each year has been my favorite age with the kids. I love 12 and 13! Of course I also love 6 and what is cool is now I have experienced each stage the girls will get to with Brianna and Landon! (i should be a pro and know what is coming, haha) It is so fun to see each age, each stage. This weekend as I was getting ready for church in a very quiet house (smart husband that took them for breakfast and let me sleep in:), I was thinking about something that each of them did this weekend that made me smile, made me very proud to be their mom!

Landon- As we were sitting by our bonfire Sat night with friends and neighbors, he was showing off his pryo tendancies by lighting body parts on fire with GermX (of course all of this was under the supervision and participation of his father)

Brianna- watching her test for her black belt Sat morning. I am so proud. She was so tough but I could see her "having fun" giggling and smiling while sparring against the boys. She is precious. Sharing clothes, shoes and accesories is fun too:)

Carli- goes up to the neighbor and says "why are you so lazy and don't mow your own yard?"

Mayli- she actually followed instruction when I reprimanded her. I told her she was an angel so the rest of the weekend anytime she would test me, she reminded me "but mommy, I am an angel" as she put her halo over her head and smiled really big

Sometimes I want to run away from my children but mostly I am very happy and proud to be their mommy! Happy Moms to me!

gotta love this angle (double chins)

I know it doesn't take much to be taller than me but it still feels weird


Lori Lynn said...

Thanks for the laugh! I think Carli just might get you in trouble someday. Mayli sounds like a clever girl as well.

I don't think I will ever have to worry about my kids outgrowing me. I guess it just means you did a great job as a mother!


Niki and Tim Knopf said...

On the same note as Carli's honesty, one time Landon came to our house (built in 1954) and said, "Jeez, your stove is ANCIENT! Why does it look so old?!" I explained, "Because it was probably added to the house in the 1980's and I don't cook enough to care." Since he's got an amazing cook for a mom, he was speechless at that. I love the honest spirit of my nephew and nieces! :)

Tami said...

How does this happen? I agree that it is very fun to watch our children grow up. Weird is the perfect word. On the one hand it is natural that they are as big as they are. Yet on the other hand, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN SO SOON! Continue to enjoy the journey my friend. One day we will sit in our rockers and be sustained by these blessed memories.

Anonymous said...

I never get the chance to at the blog, but needed to catch myself up on our family! Lol. Just Kidding! I like sharing too.
See you whwn Dad and I get home!
Love You,
Your favorite Child :) JK

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