Friday, October 12, 2007

Being Understood

As we were sitting at the chinese restaurant yesterday, I realized that ALL we really ever want is to be understood. Who understands you? Who do you go to when you need for someone to not only listen but TO COMPLETELY understand you? Mayli sat there and carried on a sweet conversation with Ming. The first thing she told her was that she wants ICE CREAM! She sat there licking her ice cream cone and sharing her thoughts. She said Carli always thinks I am mad at her and I am not. You see that is one of our struggles lately, Carli thinks when Mayli is speaking quick and loud in chinese at her that Mayli is mad. Carli, being my little sensitive girl that she is gets these big crocodile tears crying "Mommy, Mayli is mad at me". Ming explained to Mayli that she should just hug Carli and speak gently and they will soon understand one anothers language
She shared that she likes her daycare that she and Carli attend together on Tues and Thurs. and that she crys just because she thinks about missing Mama and Baba. That made me feel better about leaving her there each time. She has bonded to us really well.
As we were walking out from what I call Mayli’s weekly chinese restaurant therapy, I thought about how do I get my therapy? What is it I do so that I can feel FULLY understood? We all need that, don’t we? Sometimes we want to fulfill that in unhealthy ways ... at the time it makes us feel better, but in reality the fulfillment is only temporary. Only God can completely fulfill us. I don’t always practice my faith that way though. Sometimes, many times, I struggle with trust. I attempt to turn to my husband, my friend or someone else to fulfill that need. I hate to feel "needy" but I know in reality, God wants that….HE wants me to be needy and dependent on HIM alone. Independence is something that I treasure, that I was taught. It is IN ME and runs through me like water. Today, as I was thinking about what I am grateful for, I reluctantly and hesitantly thanked God for neediness. I prayed that HE would cause me, woo me to become closer to HIM, needy and dependent. What do you need today and how will you get it?

1 comment:

jennifer said...

What a great post. It must be so strange to not be able to understand each other yet. What a sweet family you have. I am so happy for you.

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