We have had so much fun the past 2 weekends hangin out with Scott and Courtenay on their boat. I like how Courtenay puts it.....We live at the lake so let's enjoy it. They took our whole family plus 2 extra kids out this past Saturday for watersports fun! I have pics of Brian slalom skiing but I have to get those from Courtenay. So, there is more to come!!!!!!!! Brian likes to show off his skills on the water. He is really good and does tricks.

Boatin Girls!!!!!!!!!!
Video of Brianna and I tubin!!!!!!!!! Crazy girls.
fun fun fun!
miss y'all,
Looks like you guys had fun... We love boating too.
I am heading to Pensacola, Fla. for a baseball tournament, so look for some fun pictures. I may have to wqait until we get back to post them, but just stay tuned.
can't wait to see some of Brian's mad skilz.
Hi Annette, I love your site. You have a beautiful family and it looks like you guys have alot of fun! Allan and I usually spend a few days camping in Osage Beach every year. I would love to see you next time we are in town. BTW- your son looks SO MUCH like Brian!
Such life on that video, I love it! Brianna has grown into such a beautiful young lady. Man, how time goes by...sigh......
So, on a lighter note, how is that hundred and one day thingy coming along? hee hee
I'll do it if you do it.
Laughing out loud,
Hello, Mrs. Annette, what are you doing? We need some new pictures and some news on what your family is doing. Waiting on new things....
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