We ended our trip with a visit to Amory MS, to see our friends The Parkers. Gerald was also in residency with Brian at Eglin. We hadn't seen them in over 5 yrs. They live on a river and Gerald took us out on the boat for some water skiing and wakeboarding!!!!!!!!! It was so fun to catch up with them!
Mayli, Sam and Carli on the boat. Sam was so cute.
Lesli and Brianna....we told them about how they used to play when they were babies....and now look at them, all grown up!

Gerald and Brian

All the Parkers with Carli and Mayli.........

It looks like y'all had an awesome and FULL vacation! I am so excited that y'all got to visit with so many friends. We miss the Knopfoos and can't wait until next year.
All of your vacation pictures are great and I am now officially removing your name from the "bad blogger" list!!!!LOL
hugs and kisses,
Jill :)
hi! this gave me a good feeling cuz you said you have not seen these friends in five years, but you are still managing to keep in touch. I have always known you were good at this since we first became friends--i just hope better than me and that it is not five years until we see eachother again! Miss you tons girlfriend! One thing I can say from looking at your blog tonite and all your travels is that if (when)you came to visit us it would be a whole nother world than i think anything you have experienced--does brian have any vacation days left this year, cuz we are up for visitors! xoxooxoxjanine
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