Mayli and Carli in thier new dresses that we bought for 2.99 at Childrens Place....gotta love a sale!
Dear Little Carli,
You were only 22 months old when we brought you home from China and now look at you....almost ready for school. As your mommy, I am so proud of the person that you are and the person that God is shaping you into! I feel so blessed, so honored that God is allowing me to be a part of your sweet life! You have brought so much to this family and none of us can imagine it without your sweet sweet spirit. I don't think I have ever seen a little girl so compassionate, so in tune to others feelings at your age before. Your zeal truly touches my heart, my life and I KNOW it touches many others the same way. I love how you approach people with genuine love and kindness. I love how you always always find a way to compliment each and every person in such a "real" way. You are sincerely unique and I am just so excited to see all that God has planned for your life. Happy Happy Birthday precious girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We love you so much.
Daddy, Mommy, Sissy, Bubby and Mayli
See Here or Here
Happy 5th Birthday Carli! Hope you have a wonderful day.
We love you,
Uncle Chad, Aunt Amy and Cousin Abby
Look at those divas in their dresses! They are hot stuff!
Happy Birthday sweet Carli. We'll see you next week.
Love~ Aunt Niki and Uncle Tim, Alec and "Simmy"
Happy Birthday Miss Carli!!
Tonni and crew
Happy Birthday Carli!
the Lee's
P.S. Mayli looks beautiful in her pink dress!! give her kisses from mei mei
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