Present from Aunt Niki, Uncle Tim, Alec and Sam!

Brianna is so wonderful with these girls. I honestly don't know what I would do without her. She got them all pretty for the party and then taught them dance moves while I was preparing for everyone to arrive. I love this girl.....she is the best oldest daughter in the entire world and I DON'T TELL HER ENOUGH HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE HER!

When the party started Mayli sat in front of her cake waiting and waiting for "cake time". The girl wanted everyone to sing to her:)

Carli's day started out pretty rough with jealousy but by the end of the day she was kissing Mayli saying "HAPPY BDAY MAYLI". Carli has such a big heart and is so sensitive....it's hard to see her get so upset because we are so used to her just being the happiest sweetest little girl. WE LOVE YOU CARLI!

pretty birthday princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great day with all our friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday our sweet sweet girl! We love you sooooooo much and are so happy you got to spend your 5th bday with your FOREVER FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to Mayli from her QinZhou Min sister, Kat! I still can't believe how similar Kat and Mayli's expressions are, they sure do have the princess act down pat quickly, huh? Carli is a GREAT sister, it's hard to have someone else getting all the gifts :)
Hugs from Pennsylvania
Vickie and Kat
i loved that party. It was fun with so many kids running around. She was so happy and Carli did so good!
Happy Birthday sweet Mayli!
We Love You!
Stay warm. . .
Aunt Niki, Uncle Tim, Alec and Sammy
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